Wednesday, 2 April 2014

Top 10 tips to conceive

Getting pregnant is not as easy as it sounds. We bring to you tips to help you get pregnant and at the same time make it a fun thing rather than a task! Read on…

Top 10 tips to conceive

  1. Get knowledgeable about periods and conception: If you have never paid attention to the ifs, buts and whys of getting your period, it’s time to change that. Surf the internet, ask your doctor for pamphlets and talk to other women. Educate yourself on the hormones involved during menstruation.
  2. Use an ovulation indicator or kit: There are many ways to find out when you ovulate but none of them are 100 percent foolproof. The first day when your periods begin is the first day of your menstrual cycle. You ovulate on the fourteenth day of a 28-day cycle. If your periods are irregular, it is harder to predict your ovulation day. Cervical mucus is thin after periods and gets thicker closer to ovulation. Basal body temperature dips 24 hours before ovulation and rises after it. If you are not able to grasp these, just buy an electronic device which is more expensive, but accurately predicts ovulation.
  3. Meet the doc: It is advisable for you and your partner to make an appointment with your obstetrician or family doctor and get a health check-up while stating that you would like to be parents. This is to ensure that if anything is wrong, it can be brought to your attention and the appropriate measures taken. Your personal history, family history, any illnesses or surgery and any relevant past history like an abortion or miscarriage will be recorded. This is especially important if someone is suffering from diabetes, heart problems or asthma.
  4. Tweak your diet: Cut back on caffeine and alcohol, quit smoking and choose wholesome, nutritious food over processed and junk food. This is applicable to you and your partner as if you are healthy, you automatically up your chances of getting pregnant.
  5. Stay clear of lubricants: Popular lubricants like K-y jelly prevent the sperm from reaching their destination and may even kill them effectively nullifying the chance of conception. Ask your doctor for a safe alternative.
  6. Make sex fun: Studies show that the more the level of arousal, the higher are the chances of conceiving. So don’t make sex a bore and a chore, just something that has to be done in order to become parents; make it interesting and fun.
  7. The right position: Have sex in any position you want despite what friends tell you. After sex, make sure the woman puts her knees in the air while lying on the back. This slants the pelvis, helping sperm to swim inside the woman’s body to fertilise the egg. Hold the position for a few minutes, then get up or change position.
  8. Stay away from heat: Men, keep the family jewels away from heat appliances. Do not use a laptop on your lap, shun saunas and Turkish baths as increasing the scrotal temperature is detrimental to the health of sperm.
  9. Get enough sleep: Make sure you get enough sleep time too. Getting the right amount of sleep is great for your overall health and increases your chances of becoming parents. So watching late night television or surfing is out.
  10. Relax: Learn ways to distress. Don’t let work stress or family issues trouble you excessively. Our lifestyle today borders on manic as we struggle to make every minute count and squeeze dozens of things to do in the 24 hours that we have. Learn to do less, enjoy more and stay in tune with nature.

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